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Daily Archives: January 21, 2021

IPL: Young Kashmiri pacer called for trails by Mumbai Indians

Aim is to become part of the team: Mujtaba ANANTNAG: A young pacer from south Kashmir who has represented J&K...

S&T Ministry: 35,000 year history of river erosion revealed in Ladakh

JAMMU: The Ministry of Science and Technology in its annual report said that the government brought out a 35,000 year history of river...

West Pak refugees hold protest against ‘denial’ of govt jobs

'Authorities still seeking state subject from us' JAMMU:  West Pakistan refugees on Thursday staged a protest in Jammu and alleged...

Traffic to remain suspended on Sgr- Jmu Highway on Friday for maintenance

SRINAGAR: The 270 kilometre-long Jammu-Srinagar National highway will remain closed for traffic on Friday for maintenance. ADGP Traffic T. Namgyal...

No curtailment in ration quota, distribution as per Adhaar enrolment: Dir FCS&CA

SRINAGAR: Denying the curtailment in ration quota, Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs said that the ration has been issued to...

Horti dept Kashmir undertakes several initiatives to boost Sector

Gets ‘Award of Excellence’ in “International Workshop on Value Addition & Agro Processing” JAMMU: Horticulture being the core sector...

Vishwa Kashmiri Samaj delegation calls on Advisor Farooq Khan

JAMMU: A delegation of Vishwa Kashmiri Samaj today called on Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Farooq Khan and presented a photo album of...

FC Health reviews implementation of PMJAY SEHAT scheme

Directs for conversion of maximum admissions into beneficiaries JAMMU: Financial Commissioner Health & Medical Education, Atal Dulloo today convened...

Baseer Khan reviews post snowfall scenario in Ang, Kul, meets public

ANANTNAG: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Ahmad Khan, today visited Anantnag to assess post snowfall scenario in twin districts of Anantnag and...

All- round dev of J&K a major goal of GoI: Chairman, PSC

Parliamentary Committee holds meeting with stakeholders on promotion of Transport, Tourism, Culture SRINAGAR: In a first of its kind...