Uni4kashmir Srinagar volunteers holds meet


SRINAGAR: The University for Kashmir initiative led by Dr. Mehboob Makhdoomi, held a volunteers’ meet for Srinagar district at Cafe Same Place on the banks of Dal Lake this Sunday.

More than forty volunteers were present at the venue. The agenda of the meeting was to brief the new cadre of volunteers and tell them about their roles.

Dr.Makhdoomi talked about the need of an international university in the Valley. After a brief addressal by Dr. Tibet Bakal (Ex Principal Islamia College/ Dean Cluster University Srinagar) and Mr. Riyaz Ahmad Shagoo (Ex J and K Bank Officer) there was a question answer session.

A membership drive was held after the meeting and the participants registered as volunteers for the cause. Coordinators from various districts were also present at the venue.

Dr. Makhdoomi said that the project belonged to every citizen of Jammu and Kashmir. “If anyone wants to interact before contributing in any way, our office would welcome them.”, he added.

The office is located at GMC Road, Karanagar, Srinagar.