Schools re-open across Anantnag


ANANTNAG: On the first day of reopening of schools in the valley, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anantnag, Dr Piyush Singla visited Higher Secondary Mattan.

Addressing the students and staff at the school, the DC said that after a gap of two years schools have resumed normal functioning. He said he is sure that the students will engross themselves in academic and extracurricular activities with full fervour. He said that the interactions of staff and students in the school space are an important input in personality development and there is no online alternative for the same. 

Some students shared their thoughts on the occasion and said that while they were in touch with their academics in online mode, the feeling of coming back to school and being among their peers is unparalleled. They said they look forward to a normal school year.

DEPO Anantnag and various SDMs also inspected the functioning of schools in the district.

DEPO Anantnag visited various schools in Anantnag including Boys High Secondary Rani Bagh, Higher Secondary Dialgam and interacted with students. He directed the staff to ensure that all necessary arrangements must be in place in keeping with COVID Appropriate Behaviour. He said that sanitizers, hand washes and masks have been supplied to all schools to ensure social distancing and necessary COVID preventive measures are taken.

SDM Dooru Ghulam Rasool Wani visited Girls HS Qazigund, MS Chinnigund and a private school at Hiller. He took stock of COVID preventive measures set up in schools.

SDM Pahalgam visited HS Aishmuqam and impressed on the staff to focus on dissemination of quality education. He said teacher preparedness is an important facet of quality teaching and the staff must ensure every effort for academic and personality development of students.

Tehsildar Bijbehara visited Higher Secondary Marhama, HS Girls Bijbehara, HS Boys Bijbehara and High School Waghama and took stock of the attendance of staff and students. He asked the students to engross themselves fully in school activities.

All schools in Anantnag resumed offline functioning as per Govt directive. Further, the administration has directed the school department to ensure that social distancing and COVID appropriate behaviour is followed in letter and spirit in all educational institutions.