Rs 2.10 crore plan for construction of 6 borewells approved in Kupwara


KUPWARA: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kupwara, Khalid Jahangir  who is also Chairperson District Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) Kupwara today convened a meeting of the Members of the District Jal Jeevan Mission  Committee, here.

The meeting was aimed at to accord approval for formal allotment of construction of 6 borewells for 4 water supply schemes, being constructed at village Athratoo, upper Kandi, Trich and  Keegam in Kupwara district.

The DDC reviewed work wise plan with all its Salient features including Cost component, catchment area, sources, sustainability, households targeted, scope etc.and received feedback from the concerned engineers, and after threadbare discussion approved the  Plan for construction of 6 borewells.

It was given out in the meeting that rate contract of these 6 production bore- wells costing Rs 2.10 crore,  at the rate of Rs.35 lakhs each have been approved by UT level Committee and recommended by Chief Engineer for issuance of directions by DDC in favour of Executive Engineer Ground Water Division Srinagar to issue formal allotment  orders in favour of the successful tenderers.

Addressing the meeting, the DDC stressed upon the Engineers of Jal Shakti Department to accelerate developmental tempo in the district and ensure that all these water supply schemes  and bore wells be completed within the stipulated timeframe. 

The DDC fixed timeline of each schemes and directed concerned engineers to chase the targets vehemently.  He said JJM is one of the important flagship programmes of Union Government and officers need to be familiar with the importance of this programme.

Earlier,  The Superintendent Engineer, Hydraulic briefed the chair about the Planing and scope of these schemes through power point presentation.

All approved  members of  the Committee  for the District Jal Jeevan Mission (DJJM),  Kupwara  attended the meeting including Additional District Development Commissioner Kupwara,  Joint Director Planning, Kupwara, 

Superintending Engineer Hydraulic, Handwara/ Kupwara, Divisional Forest Officer Kehmil, Kamraj and Langate, Chief Medical Officer Kupwara, Chief Education Officer Kupwara, District Information Officer Kupwara, Executive Engineer PHE (civil) Division Kupwara, Handwara and  SSD Tangdar, along with Technical Officers, Executive Engineers PHE (Mechanical) Kupwara/ Sopore, Executive Engineer Ground Water Division Srinagar and other concerned attended the meeting.