Ramban Admin mourns demise of young KAS Officer of the district


RAMBAN: District Administration, Ramban, today deeply condoled the sad demise of   young   JKAS officer from Alinbass, Sajad Sumbria, who died of a massive heart attack this morning.

The deceased was posted as District Social Welfare Officer, Udhampur.

A condolence meeting was also held at the District Administrative Complex, whereat the participants prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul. The Diseased officer had also served as District Information Officer, Ramban.

Besides, Deputy Commissioner, Mussarat Islam, the meeting was attended by Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mohammad Farid Bhat, District Informatics Officer, NIC, Ramban, Naveen Ahlawat, and other senior officers of the Information, Sheep and Animal Husbandry Departments.

They expressed heart-felt sympathies with the bereaved family members over the irreparable loss.