Ahead of all party meet on LAC issue, Rahul Gandhi’s fresh salvo: Govt was asleep


NEW DELHI: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is marking his 50th birthday on Friday, continued his offensive against the government on the LAC issue saying it was now clear that the Chinese attack was pre-planned and soldiers paid the price.

In a tweet on Friday, ahead of the all party meeting PM Narendra Modi has called to discuss the standoff, Gandhi said: “It is now crystal clear that the Chinese attack in Galwan was pre-planned, GOI was fast asleep and denied the problem, and the price was paid by our martyred Jawans.”

In a series of tweets since June 15 when the Chinese and Indian soldiers faced off in Ladakh, Gandhi has been firing salvos at the government asking how the Chinese took Indian territory and who sent the soldiers unarmed to the border?

The Gandhi posers had foreign minister S Jaishankar rebutting about the “unarmed soldiers” bit yesterday.

Earlier, Gandhi had questioned Defence Minister as to what took him two days to condole the death of the soldiers.

Congress President Sonia Gandhi also recently wrote a letter to PM Narendra Modi asking what the government strategy was to deal with the situation.