Freedom of press essential for furtherance of democracy: NC


Pays tributes to journalists, who laid down their lives in line of duty

SRINAGAR: On the observance of International Press Freedom Day, National Conference (NC) on Tuesday said the true essence of any democratic system was recognized in the shape of right to free speech and free press.

While underscoring the centrality of free press in a democratic set up, the Party Spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar as per a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said the day serves as a reminder to the governments of the need to value their commitment to press freedom.

“It goes without saying how important a role a free press plays in contributing to knowledge of a common person and in calling the attention of citizens towards the irregularities in the working of government. Our party pays tributes to all those journalists who lost their lives in the line of duty. It is extremely important for the government to ensure full implementation of the right to freedom of speech as fortified in the constitution,” he said.

“It is a day of acknowledging and appreciating the role of the press. It is also a day of reflection for the press fraternity to do more than just survive. Biggest issue concerning the press today is credibility as well; the threat to the freedom of press is also from within,” Imran said.

Extolling the role of journalistic fraternity in Kashmir, he said undue reprisals in one or other form has made it very difficult for the journalists in Kashmir to carry out their job. While praising the role of the press amid the prevailing COVID crises, he said the local media has played a commendable role in keeping the people updated about the prevailing situation.

Imran also called for planning of various benefit schemes for the families of slain journalists, scribes and free insurance cover to the working journalists. Imran also vouched for a press museum in Srinagar, saying the history of star-studded local press ought to be celebrated. He impressed upon the administration to boost up the facilities for journalists across Jammu and Kashmir by coming up with new press clubs and augmenting the infrastructure at Srinagar Press Club.

Local press, in spite of being underpaid, has been working against all odds and done a yeoman’s service by disseminating valid information about the crises, its clinical progression, and providing an antidote to the misinformation campaign on social media, he said.

Among others Additional Spokesperson Sarah Hayat Shah has also felicitated the press fraternity on the International Press freedom day and impressed upon the incumbent administration to ensure local press fraternity is able to render its duties in a congenial and free atmosphere.