Shopian Admin launches extensive fumigation drive


SHOPIAN: The District Administration Shopian in collaboration with Municipal Committee has launched an extensive fumigation drive across the district with an aim to maintain cleanliness and contain the spread of COVID-19.

District Development Commissioner, Shopian Choudhary Mohammad Yasin, said that the fumigation and cleanliness drive is a continuous process and the Municipal Committee has been directed to intensify the drive across the district.

The Municipal Committee has deputed teams in their respective areas to disinfect public places including hospitals, designated quarantine centres, markets, government offices, religious places, police stations and other public places.

During the drive, the awareness regarding preventive measures which need to be taken to contain the spread of COVID-19 was also generated among the people through local masjid loudspeakers. The people were urged to contribute by way of cooperation and adhering to the advisories issued by Department of Health and Medical Education in this regard.

The people were informed that by enhancing personal hygiene, keeping surrounding disinfected, sanitized and by maintaining social distancing, one can minimize the transmission of corona virus infection.