KVK Organizes Kissan Mela at Old Fruit Mandi, Shopian


SHOPIAN: The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Shopian in collaboration with other departments today organized a daylong Kisan Mela at Old Fruit Mandi Shopian in which allied departments installed their stalls to showcase machinery and high yielding variety seeds.

The Mela was attended by hundreds of progressive farmers of the district.

The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya chaired the function and inspected different stalls installed by various departments.

Principal Government Degree College Shopian, Bashir Ahmad Dar, KVK Head, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer, Chief Horticulture Officer, Chief Agriculture Officer, District Sheep Husbandry Officer scientist of KVK, Officers of line departments, President Fruit Growers Association and allied departments were present on the occasion.

In his address, DDC stressed the need for introducing a double cropping system in the district so that the income profile of the farmer community gets better.

He further added that the objective of holding such a farmer awareness programme is to transform the knowledge bank of KVK Scientists and farm experts to the field so that the ambitious programme of the Government to double the income of the farmer community is achieved in true sense.

The DDC directed all the line departments to hold such programmes in every part of the district and simultaneously advised farmers to take advantage of new and innovative techniques of farming to yield better results at ground level. He stressed the use of cash crops, improved and high yielding variety seeds and the adoption of organic farming and use of Vermicompost.

Earlier, various speakers including Scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, subject experts and progressive farmers spoke and shared their experience with the farmers.

KVK head gave a detailed account of activities of the department with special mention of new targets in the district.

Later, Officers for performing best in their respective fields were felicitated with certificates of appreciation and awards.