KU issues PG Admission Notification 2022, all details available on varsity website


Srinagar: The University of Kashmir on Friday issued its admission notification for various PG and other professional and non-professional courses.

Vice-Chancellor Prof Nilofar Khan issued instructions for issuance of the admission notification-2022 by the Directorate of Admissions and Competitive Examinations (DACE).

The detailed admission notification inviting online applications for the Kashmir University Entrance Test (KUET) is available on the Kashmir University website www.kashmiruniversity.net.

 “The candidates who have passed their qualifying examination under Choice Based Credit System Scheme are eligible/can apply for admission to the PG Programme/s for the session2022 only in such subjects where he/she has earned/obtained at least 24 credits as Core or Generic Elective (Honours) at Under-Graduation Level in the concerned/allied subject/discipline.

However, for the courses/programmes where there is open eligibility like LL.B, MA Mass Communication & Journalism, MA Library & Information Science, MA Linguistics, MA Anthropology, MA Social Work etc., the candidates having passed their qualifying examination in any discipline are eligible/can apply for admission to said programmes,” the Admission Notification reads.

 “Moreover, there is no change in the eligibility criteria in respect of candidates having passed their graduation under non choice based credit system scheme in annual/semester scheme. Candidates having passed the qualifying examination (Bachelors) with the required percentage and subject combinations reflected in the Eligibility page available on the official website of the University are eligible to apply for appearing in KUET; The Prospectus-2022 is available on the University website,” the Admission Notification reads.

The submission of online application forms begins on May 23, 2022 and the last date for submission is 01.06.2022.

 “The Directorate (DACE) will not check/verify the educational/category certificates etc. of the candidates at the time of appearing in the written examination and it will be the sole responsibility of the candidate to satisfy whether he/she is meeting the prescribed criterion. However, the documents will be verified at any point of time during the process of Admission.

The admission will be rejected if it is found that the applicant does not fulfill the eligibility criteria or has misrepresented/suppressed the information,” the Notification reads.

 “The candidates must check the status of their Application Forms after three days of its online submission. In case, the status of Application is not updated to “Fee Received” or “Fee Reconciliation is pending”, the candidate should contact the Directorate of IT & SS, University of Kashmir, alongwith Application Form and all other documents, within two days after the last date of submission of Application Form. Thereafter, no claim, whatsoever, will be entertained by the University,” it reads.

 “Submission of Application Forms and appearance in the Entrance Test is subject to determination of eligibility for admission to the Programme by reference to the Admission Policy-2022.”