KTMF Hold Important Meeting In Srinagar To Discuss Burning Issues of General Trade


Srinagar: An important meeting was held in the office of Kashmir Traders And Manufactures Federation (KTMF) , attended by executive members including President Shahid Hussain Mir, Mohammad Sadiq Baqal, Mehraj-ud-Din, Malik Raies, Zahid Yousuf, Ajaz Mir, Farooq Ahmad Shah and Asif Ahmad Matta and all other executive members.

During the meeting some important issues were discussed including the some basic issues of traders.

The Patron Mohammad Sadiq Baqal after reviewing the day to day affairs of the Federation instructed the President Shahid Hussain Mir and all other members to focus on ground level works which are the basic needs of a trader and we have to give first preference to work on the grass root level.