Justice Magrey chairs, first of its kind, seminar organised by DLSA Budgam


Advocates community efforts to combat Covid-19 challenge, achieve good mental health

BUDGAM: Judge of High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, Justice Ali Mohammad Magrey,  who is also Executive Chairman of J&K Legal Services Authority J&KLSA) today chaired a seminar organized by District Legal Services Authority, Budgam.

The event, held to raise awareness on management of mental health and stress in the times of COVID-19 pandemic, was attended by Civil, Police, Medical  and Judicial fraternity besides other concerned.

“Good mental health is pre-requisite for every individual to realize his potential and work productively towards progress of the society and the Nation”, maintained Justice Magrey while emphasizing the need of giving focused attention of taking care of mental health of the people in the wake of prevailing global pandemic.

The programme, first of its kind in the UT, was organized by DLSA on the directions of Justice Magrey and was broadcasted live.

 The daylong event was also attended by Principal District and Session Judge, Budgam, Mohd Ashraf Malik, Member Secretary J&K LSA, M.K.Sharma, District Development Commissioner, S.A.Mirza, SSP Budgam Tahir Saleem Khan, Additional District Judge, Dr Sunil Sangra, CJM Budgam, Malik Shabir, CPC e- Courts, Anoop Kumar, Secretary DLSA, Fozia Paul, Sub Judge, Jehangir Ahmad,  Munsif Uzma Amin besides other district officers.

Justice Magrey, while speaking on the occasion, said that we are living in a country having vast and unique diversity in preserving the constitutional rights for every citizen on equal parameters. We have  to strengthen it with more desire and commitment. He said our aim and objective of assembling here today is to share our responsibilities with all other stakeholders who presently are fighting unprecedented war to combat COVID-19 spread. He said despite all difficulties and inconveniences that we have suffered still we are existing and  our existence depicts  our resilient approach to deflect and combat the period of crisis.

Justice Magray hailed the initiative and desire to deliver in the hour of emergency demonstrated by district administration involving all its resources equally supported by police department with its men and logistics.

Justice Magray further said that if we rewind our memories since the beginning of first wave of COVID-19, it caused devastating mental stress globally among each category of citizens with other hazardous effects to mankind. He stressed the need of adopting a simple, spiritual and contended lifestyle being practiced by our ancestors for leading a healthy, stress free and peaceful life especially in present era of never ending worries of the mundane world.

Justice Magrey urged upon all to do mental and physical exercises regularly and involve children and other young age groups who usually remain engrossed in their high tech gadgets causing them deep stress and mental disorder. He urged upon the parents to guide their wards in a right perspective through regular counseling.

Justice Magrey asked all the citizens to strictly follow the preventive measures and SOPs issued by the government to curb the pandemic. He also appealed all to go for vaccination  as all vaccines are duly certified by Competent authorities after due  testing from all parameters and these are safe with no side effects.

Earlier, DDC put forth detailed status of COVID-19 measures being taken up by the district administration with support from its stakeholders  including some NGOs. He appreciated tremendous support and response from public who adhered to all SOPs and other guidelines ensuring a big contribution towards fighting this dreaded virus in the district. He said that district administration is  fully equipped to combat any threat amid second Covid wave.

Regarding vaccination, DDC informed that 74% population of the age  group of 45 and above  has been vaccinated while 69% target has been achieved for age group of 18 and above. He also informed that for the poor and privileged   class the administration is providing free  ration to the deserving. Besides, the district administration has identified 17 children who have lost their parents/bread earners due to COVID-19 pandemic who would be provided relief and other monetary benefits.

Other guests who spoke on the occasion included Member Secretary JKSLA who said that amid lockdown, JKSLSA launched helpline to address the queries of affected families besides a campaign of para legal volunteers for redressal of distress calls was also initiated.

Dr Arshid Hussain, Professor Institute of Nuero Science and Mental Health Srinagar, said that small pox took millions of  lives and is now non-existent on earth, COVID-19 will also vanish the same way .

Dr Yasir Hassan during the event focused upon impact of Covid -19  on mental health of children. He emphasized the need to provide emotional support to children and ensure that children adapt and adjust to ongoing COVID-19 crisis. He also shared his power point presentation with the audience, wherein he educated people about covid-19 and the steps to be taken for management of mental health and stress laying special emphasis towards children.

Fozia Paul informed that the programme apart from physical interactions is also connected through virtual mode simultaneously and attended by all stakeholders from across the J&K UT and UT of Ladakh. She stated that on the directions of Justice Ali Mohammed Magrey all the childcare institutions both government and non-government, juvenile homes, students of the district had also joined the program through virtual mode.

The program recording and the power point presentation shared by Dr Yasir would be shared with all the schools and childcare institutions.