Mann ki Baat: PM hails fight against coronavirus as ‘public-driven’


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the 64th edition of his monthly radio programme “Mann Ki Baat” on Sunday hailed India’s fight against coronavirus as “public-driven”, and urged people not to let down the vigil against the pandemic.

Lauding state governments for fighting coronavirus in a spirit of cooperation along with the Centre, Modi said all sections of society and institutions have stepped in with humanitarianism to help maintain social- distancing and render help to people affected by the lockdown.

“The police personnel have endeared themselves to the public through their outreach to people in distress and distribution of food,” Modi said, adding that earlier the police evoked a negative image among people.

He also appreciated the role of community leaders in the campaign against the disease.

He commiserated that the outbreak of the disease continued during the holy month of Ramzaan compelling caution and social-distancing.

“This is the time for more intense prayers and spiritualism so that the disease makes itself scarce by the time of upcoming Eid so that the festival is celebrated with gaiety and fervour,” Modi said.

He said crisis throws up challenges and draws society’s attention to even quotidian and routine aspects of life which escape notice during normal times. In this regard, he referred to the bad habit of spitting in public.

“Although it is common knowledge that the habit is unhygienic, it persisted,” Modi said, adding it must now be shunned.

He cautioned people not be over-confident in dropping their guard against the disease. He appealed to abide by the dictum “Do gaaj ki doori, bahoot hein jarrori” ( physical distancing of two yards is very important) in social manners and interactions.

He said usage of face mask will emerge as a new symbol of civilised society.

He also urged people to follow the guidelines of Union Aayush Ministry on food intakes and purificatory rituals which would help boost their bio-immune system.

He batted on the virtue of revisiting India’s ancient Ayurvedic discipline of medicine and healthcare system. He urged the youth to rediscover and reestablish the prophylactic efficacy of the system through modern and scientific research and theories.

“We attach credibility to our work only if it is appreciated from offshore quarters,” Modi said, attributing this psychological trait of the people to “hundreds of years of their subjugation and slavery”.

“Due to this people have lost confidence in their selves and abilities,” Modi said.

He said the world is looking up to India for a remedy against the pandemic. He hoped that just like Yoga, the Ayurvedic system of medicine will be accepted globally in coming times.

He said India’s supply of medicines to other countries even at a time of the health crisis stemmed from its core civilisational and cultural values of rendering help to others.