District Admin B’la conducts fumigation drive in exam centres


BARAMULLA: In view of 10th and 12th class bi-annual examinations commencing from Monday, District Administration Baramulla today conducted a massive fumigation drive in all the designated examination centres in the district.

The drive was launched on the directions of Deputy Commissioner Baramulla Dr G N Itoo during which all examination centres were fumigated in order to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Highlighting the importance of sanitation especially in present COVID-19 situation, DC said that the drive was conducted with an aim to ensure the health and safety of the students.

He also appealed all the stakeholders especially the parents whose children are going to appear in the examination, to cooperate with the administration.

Moreover, DC urged the students to follow all the SOPs and guidelines especially using face masks and maintaining social distance so that risk of infection is mitigated.