DDC Kulgam reviews progress under District Capex 2022-23


KULGAM: The District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kulgam, Dr Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat today chaired a meeting of officers at conference Hall of the DC Office Complex here to review the progress and status of works under District Capex budget 2022-23.

During the meeting the DDC took sector wise review and progress of works in Education, RDD, PDD, Heath, Agriculture, Horticulture, PHE and other sectors.

Dr Bilal took a detailed review of allotment of works, works started on ground, works completed, tendering and other related issues.

During the meeting it was informed that the number of total works under District Capex 2022-23 is 2535 which includes 2108 new works and 427 ongoing works.

The chair was informed that 752 works have been completed and funds with an amount of 4.17 crore and 24.63 crore stands released under Regular and ADF components. 

The DDC directed the officers to achieve the completion targets of the works and ensure expenditure of funds released.

He also asked them to personally monitor the quality and progress of all allotted works and make best utilization of the remaining working season to complete all the works.

Dr Bilal stressed upon officers to take all possible measures to accelerate the pace of ongoing works for their time-bound completion.

The meeting was attended by Additional District Development Commissioner, Joint Director Planning and Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Assistant Commissioner Development, Chief Agriculture Officer, Chief Horticulture Officer, Exen REW PDD, BDOs and other officers.