DC Reasi inspects patient care facilities at DH


Visits Ghayalla Pumping station, Seela Grid station  

REASI: Deputy Commissioner (DC) Charandeep Singh  today conducted an extensive tour of Reasi township and inspected patient care facilities at District Hospital  key public utility installations.

At the District Hospital (DH), the DC inspected  OPD services and facilities for Indoor Patients, He also took stock of the functioning of CT scan and X-Ray sections, besides emergency block. While interacting with the medical staff, the DC inquired about the working of the hospital including the standard of facilities provided to the patients.  

The DC also checked the duty roaster of the employees and progress of ongoing work of the IPD block. He also stressed on strict adherence to the SOPs related to Covid-19 in the Hospital.

Meanwhile, the DC visited the Ghayalla pumping station and inquired about complaints of water depletion due to illegal mining. While inspecting the lone water supply source for the entire Reasi Town, the DC directed the mining department to conduct excavation as per norms to prevent depletion of water.

Later, the DC also inspected the progress of  work on the Seela Grid Station, Reasi .The concerned officials apprised the DC that 80% of the work is complete. The DC directed the concerned to complete the remaining work on a fast track basis.