DC Kulgam distributes financial assistance among beneficiaries under SASCM/ SAKSHAM


KULGAM: The District Development Commissioners (DDC) Kulgam, Bilal Mohi Ud Din Bhat today distributed financial assistance in the shape of scholarship/ pension under Social Assistance Scheme for Covid Mortalities (SASCM)/ SAKSHAM among the beneficiaries.

The DDC chairman Mohammad Afzal Bhat was also present on the occasion.

The DC distributed 6 scholarship sanction orders and 4 pension orders among the among beneficiaries here.

Under the said scheme financial assistance as monthly pension of Rs. 1000 is provided to those families who have lost their only or all earning members and scholarship of Rs. 20000 and 40000 upto 12th class and for UG/PG & Professional Courses respectively to children who have lost their earning parents or earning siblings or earning legal guardians.

The Social Welfare dept in collaboration with District administration Kulgam have recommended 44 households for inclusion in SAKSHAM scheme.

Out of this 17 scholarships cases and 14 pension cases have been sanctioned by Directorate of social welfare recently  while other cases will be sanctioned soon.