2nd National Lok Adalat held across Kashmir


SRINAGAR: In pursuance to the National Legal Service Authority calendar and under the directions of J&K Legal Services Authority, the 2nd National Lok Adalat was held on Saturday across all the districts of Kashmir, by the respective District Legal Services Authorities (DLSAs), for amicable settlement of cases of different nature.

The Lok Adalat was held under the insightful directions of Justice N. Kotiswar Singh Chief Justice of High Court of J&K and Ladakh, Patron in Chief JKLSA in order to provide free legal services, facilitate amicable settlement of the disputes and reduce pendency of cases in courts. 

The matters placed before the benches included Civil, Criminal Compoundable, Cheque bounce, Bank matters, MACT, Land Compensation, Matrimonial, Electricity and Pre-litigation matters. Further, Pre-litigation matters were taken up, which included PDD matters, bank recovery matters, PHE cases, Social Welfare Schemes, matrimonial disputes, land disputes, BSNL cases, municipality cases and other Government schemes etc.

At Srinagar, under the insightful directions of Justice Tashi Rabstan, Executive Chairman, JKLSA and Administrative Judge for District Srinagar, 2nd National Lok Adalat was organized today at District Court Complex Moominabad, here.

The National Lok Adalat was inaugurated by Jawad Ahmad, Chairman District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Srinagar, at A. D. R Centre, District Court Complex Srinagar.

Each Court had identified cases for the Lok Adalat beforehand and same were placed before 11 different benches constituted by DLSA Srinagar for settlement in National Lok Adalat.

In Motor Vehicle accident related cases Lok- Adalat bench of Jeena Bashir and Khursheed ul Islam awarded compensation to the tune of Rs. 2.25 crore. Nonetheless, a total number of 46044 matters were taken up for their amicable settlement, out of which 40899 matters were settled. Besides, an amount of Rs. 8,66,40,376 was realized in toto in the settlement.

At Anantnag, 2nd National Lok-Adalat was organized in District Court & other subordinate courts of the district under the Chairmanship of Jaffer Hussain Beigh, PD&SJ Anantnag.

The Lok-Adalat at District headquarters Anantnag was inaugurated by PD&SJ Anantnag.

The inauguration function was also attended by Judicial Officers including Secretary DLSA Anantnag, Tabassum Qadir Parray and President Bar Association and bar members of District Anantnag.

A total of 96020 cases were taken up by 08 benches in the district, out of which 22585 cases were settled in the said Lok-Adalat.

An amount of Rs, 1,66,91,360 was awarded as settlement amount in all cases including award of Rs. 91,96,000 in 08 MACT Cases.

At Budgam, under the insightful directions of Justice Tashi Rabstan, Executive Chairman, JKLSA, 2nd Lok Adalat was today organized at Budgam.

The Principal District & Sessions Judge (Chairman District Legal Services Authority) Budgam, Khalil Ahmad Choudhary inaugurated the National Lok Adalat at District Court Complex Budgam.

On the occasion, each Court had identified cases for the Lok Adalat beforehand and same were placed before 09 different benches constituted by DLSA Budgam for settlement in National Lok Adalat.

Nonetheless, a total number of 7332 matters were taken up for their amicable settlement, out of which 6611 matters were settled. Besides, an amount of Rs. 19,67,44,792 was realized in total in the settlement.

At Ganderbal, with an aim to settle pending and Pre-litigation cases, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Ganderbal today conducted 2nd National Lok-Adalat, here.

The Lok-Adalat was held under the supervision & Chairmanship of Ritesh Kumar Dubey, Chairman DLSA (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Ganderbal, and under the guidance of Nusrat Ali Hakak, Secretary DLSA Ganderbal.

04 Benches were constituted for the said Lok Adalat that took up a total of 817 cases for settlement, out of which 703 cases were amicably settled/Compromised on spot. Rs. 46,53,314 was awarded as settlement amount in various cases.

At Pulwama, the National Lok Adalat was organized in District Court Complex Pulwama under the Chairmanship of Naseer Ahmad Dar Chairman District Legal Service Authority (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Pulwama.

The National Lok Adalat was inaugurated by the Chairman (DLSA) Pulwama in presence of all Judicial Officers & Bar Members of District Court Pulwama.

As many as 05 benches were constituted that took up a total of 346 cases out of which 190 cases were amicably settled and an amount of Rs.4874805 was realized and an amount of Rs.9930000 has been settled in MACT, Bank recovery & 138 N.I. Act Cases.

At Kupwara, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Kupwara today organised a National Lok Adalat across District Kupwara in which a total number of 5 benches were constituted for taking up 598 cases of all nature.

Out of the total cases taken up before all the benches in the National Lok Adalat, 349 cases were settled on spot and Rs.80,69,000 amount was awarded by intervention of the benches and by participation of the lawyers and litigants.

Lawyers and litigants participating in the National Lok Adalat expressed their joy in early disposal of the cases through mutual settlement and appreciated the arrangements of the National Lok Adalat.

At Shopian, National Lok Adalat was held today in the court premises of District Court Complex Shopian under the Chairmanship of Riyaz-Ul-Haq Mirza, Chairman District Legal Services Authority (Principal District & Session Judge) Shopian.   

For the said National Lok Adalat 04 Benches were constituted by the DLSA that took up a total of 143 cases, out of which 82 cases were settled amicably with a settlement amount Rs.48,90,000.

In the said National Lok Adalat, besides Advocates and litigants, other prominent citizens also participated.

At Kulgam, the National Lok Adalat was held today in District Court Complex Kulgam, under the chairmanship of  Mohd Ashraf Bhat (Pr. District and Session Judge Kulgam/Chairman District Legal Services Authority Kulgam).

The National Lok Adalat was inaugurated by Ld. Chairman District Legal Services Authority.

A total of 05 benches were on the occasion that took up 1475 cases, of which 509 cases were amicably settled. Moreover an amount of Rs.49,73,400 was realized in different cases.