TLSC Kangan organizes awareness programme on NALSA Scheme to Senior Citizens 2016


GANDERBAL: The Tehsil Legal Services Committee (TLSC) Kangan in collaboration with the Social Welfare Department organized an awareness programme on NALSA Scheme to Senior Citizens 2016 at Markazi Falahi Itfaal Kangan today. 

 Kartar Singh, Chairman Tehsil Legal Services Committee Kangan, Tehsil Social Welfare officer Kangan, Shakeela Makhdoomi, Senior Prosecuting Officer, Mir Farooq Ahmad, Incharge Tehsil Legal Services Committee Kangan, P A Hakeem, PLVs of Tehsil Legal Services Committee Kangan, other Staff members from Tehsil Social Welfare office Kangan and a large number of Senior Citizens participated in the said awareness programme.

The Chairman Tehsil Legal Services Committee Kangan and Senior Prosecuting Officer Munsiff Court Kangan apprised the gathering about the NALSA Legal Services Scheme 2016 and other Legal schemes available to Senior Citizens. 

M Ismail from Social Welfare Office Kangan appraised the gathering about the different Social Welfare Schemes available for Senior Citizens.

  The Senior Citizens were highly impressed with organizing such a programme and urged Chairman TLSC Kangan to organize more such Awareness programmes in future so that they can get awareness about their legal rights.