Spine, other Major orthopedic surgeries performed at D.H Pulwama


PULWAMA: On the directions of Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr M A Rather and in view of exigency arising due to fire incident at Bone & Joint Hospital Srinagar, a number of surgeries were performed at District Hospital Pulwama.

The surgeries conducted include Left L5-S1 interlaminar fenestration and discectomy L5-S1 PIVD with severe Lumbar Canal Stenosis on a young female.

Uncemented Modular Hemiarthroplasty for fracture neck of left femur with multiple comorbidities (NHL, HTN Previous Stroke and DVT) on a middle aged female ORIF with DHS & Trochanteric Stabilizing Plate for Intertrochanteric Fracture Right Femur in an elderly male.

The team from the orthopaedics department consisted of Dr Shareef Ahmad Wani, Consultant, Dr Abeedullah and Dr Shakeel. The anaesthetists were Dr. Mohd Shafi Bader senior consultant and Dr. Wajahat who were supported by Operation theatre technicians Mohd Shaban and Ab Rashid and Nisar Ahmad. Javaid Ahmad Bhat provided C arm support. 

Medical Superintendent DH Pulwama Dr BS Tulla provided all necessary assistance needed from administration.

The specialized orthopedic procedures were earlier conducted at tertiary care orthopedic centres of Kashmir and are now possible at peripheral hospitals only because of the decision taken by the Director Health of pooling the staff and making the orthopedic services available at 5 hospitals of Directorate Health Services Kashmir round the clock without a break.