Rs. 6.36lac penalty imposed under FSSA-2006 in 15 cases at Anantnag


ANANTNAG: The Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Anantnag, Gulzar Ahmad Bhat, who is also Adjudicating Officer under FSSA, 2006 today imposed a penalty of Rs 6,36,000 in 15 cases, here. 

These cases were filed by Food Safety Officers of this District against various Food Business Operators for violating Sec 51 and 52 of FSSA 2006. The FBOs who were punished during the trial included some prominent manufacturers.

During the trial of the cases the accused failed to defend the allegations leveled against them by the Department.

It is pertinent to mention that the case against M/S Taksh Alliance Industries Plot No. 42 Sector Parwanoo, was filed after it was declared in violation of FSSA 2006, by National Food Laboratory Ghaziabad and the Adjudicating Authority Anantnag after trial imposed a penalty of Rs. 2, 45,000 on the accused. 

The ADC during trial of these cases directed the Food Business Operator to adhere strictly to the provisions of Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 and desist from such unwarranted acts in future.