PSPS GCW Gandhinagar observes Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan – World Environment Day


JAMMU: A series of activities are being organised by the 2 J&K Girls Bn.NCC  wing of Padma Shri Padma Sachdev Govt. College for Women Gandhinagar  to commemorate “World  Environment Day – 2023” under Puneet Sagar Abhiyaan and Mission and LIFE – Lifestyle for the Environment.

The special series of activities started on May 29 and will continue till June, 2023.

MISSION LIFE Pledge on 29th May marked the beginning of the activities organized under Puneet Sagar. A total 59 cadets vowed to keep their surroundings green and adopt an environment friendly lifestyle.

The next activity was a Poster- Making & Slogan- Writing activity on the theme “Plastic Free India.” As many as 55 NCC cadets participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. The creative exhibition of thought-provoking Slogans and eye-catching Posters inculcated the sense of responsibility among the cadets to keep the environment clean and green. Cdt. Radhika Dogra, cdt. Kehkash Sharma & cdt. Souhani Sargotra were adjudged 1st, 2nd, 3rd in Poster-Making competition, while  cdt. Palvinder Kour clinched the 1st Position in Slogan writing , the 2nd Position was shared by Rani Kumari, Rajeshwari & Sudha Devi Bhagat. Cdt. Nikita Bharti bagged the 3rd Position. The event was judged by Prof. Neelam Thapa ( English) and Prof. Malti Rajput (Chemistry)

 In another activity i.e. a Symposium on the topic “Plastic- a Bane For Future, as many as 23 NCC cadets aired their views on plastic as a menace and its impact on marine life and environment. They also suggested measures to reduce its use to achieve the goal of Plastic Free India.

Prof. Paramjeet Singh (Pol.Sc.) and Prof. Neelam Thapa ( English) judged the Cdt. Monali Pradhan, Cdt.Souhani Sargotra and Cdt. Tanu Nayak as 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Prof. Minu Mahajan, the Principal of the College lauded cadets and ANO Lt. Suman Bala for being instrumental in organising the activities dedicated to environmental issues and concerns. She also motivated the young cadets to be the ambassadors for spreading awareness among the masses to make India Plastic Free.