National Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized in GDC Kathua


KATHUA: Science Club of Govt Degree College Kathua in Collaboration with IQAC on Monday organized a National Workshop on Research Methodology.

A large number of students and faculty members from across the nation participated in the event. Workshop was inaugurated by Chief Guest, Prof. Sumanesh, Principal, GDC Kathua in presence of Prof. Rakesh Singh, Convener, Science Club & Head, Department of Chemistry Prof. Jaswinder Singh, IQAC Coordinator, revered resource persons Dr. N. Roheen Meetie, Dr. Neha Gupta, advisory committee members  Prof. Anirudh Sharma, Dr. Seema Malpotra, Dr. Ritu Bhagat and members of organizing committee Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Dr. Surya Partap, Prof. Ram Krishan, Prof. Neha Mahajan, Dr. Suresh Sharma and Dr. Verinder Singh.

Prof. Rakesh Singh, Convener of the workshop welcomed the Chief Guest, Resource persons and all the participants. He said that Science Club of the College was continuously involved in inculcating academic and research aptitude among faculty & students. The research methodology is the basis of writing any scientific documents and the knowledge of various aspects of  research are required at this time when the Higher Education Department has taken a number of initiatives for promoting research in colleges.

Prof. Sumanesh, who inaugurated the workshop, stressed on the need of such types of workshops for the faculty as well as students engaged in or willing to pursue research. He congratulated the Convener, members of organising committee and IQAC for taking this collaborative initiative of organizing National Level events in GDC Kathua. He encouraged all the faculty members to organize more such events for the upliftment of research acumen among the students/ researchers.

First resource person of the technical session, Dr. N. Roheen Meetie, Assistant Professor, AIBAS, AMITY University U.P. delivered a very informative talk on “Significance of Review Literature”. In his deliberations he highlighted the importance of Literature Review while framing a good Hypothesis.  Moreover, he also explained various variables required for a scientifically apt and valid review.

Dr. Neha Gupta, Assistant Professor, AIBAS, AMITY University U.P. in her deliberations on “Fundamentals of research article/paper” highlighted various aspects of writing good research articles. She emphasized the need of body and research methodology in producing quality publication. Moreover, she explained in detail how to cite research articles and books in the reference section.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Jaswinder Singh, IQAC Coordinator appreciated the role of the organizing committee and resource persons for successful organization of such a national level workshop on a very important topic which will help the Institution in better NAAC grading.

Earlier, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Assistant Professor in Chemistry and Organizing secretary in his inaugural talk highlighted the importance of such type of workshop, especially within the content of dissertation and thesis at the time when NEP-2020 has been implemented in the Degree Colleges of J&K UT. He said that it is very important to get results from experiments but the most important is the process/methodology in getting the results.

In the end an impressive vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Surya Partap, Head, Department of Zoology and Co-organizing Secretary of the Workshop.