LG appreciates Bla youth’s suggestions regarding online education during prevailing pandemic


JAMMU: Mohammad Lateef from Kreeri, Baramulla is jubilant that his ideas of starting a YouTube Channel by Education Department has been lauded by LG during his recent radio program, Awaam ki Awaaz. He says, “It was really an honour for me that LG Sir took consideration of my suggestions. It gives a feeling to a common person like me that how approachable the government is”.

Lateef, a Chartered Accountant by profession is presently working in Indian Oil Corporation at Delhi. He is very optimistic about the results that this outreach programme is going to achieve. He goes on to say that, “It gives a feeling that we can share anything with the government and it is in turn willing to bring improvements in the system by being open to the suggestions of people”.

Earlier he had given the suggestion of having YouTube channel of Education Department having enriched content catering to all the students of the UT.

Lateef states that COVID-19 has spread havoc with education being worst hit leaving the future of students in jeopardy. However he postulates the unprecedented times have thrown open new opportunities, online education being prominent among them.

He proposes that Education Department should create an official YouTube channel so that during the pandemic times students get access to education without putting themselves to risk. Giving details he says that a dedicated cell should be made to look at the affairs of this channel over which full-fledged courses are uploaded for all classes.

Enumerating its benefits he says that the channel would make-up for the previous lost time besides put to good use the services of teachers on payroll of the government.

He further says that if the channel generates major viewership, it would result in earning of revenue which could in-turn be used to incentivize the teachers. In order to enhance its utility he proposes government to hire expert faculty /industry experts on honorarium basis for more viewership and engagement.

He projects that if the government takes this Initiative, then all the courses can be covered for the larger good of whole student community. He offers every assistance to the department, if required from his side.