KU’s CORD organises collaborative hands-on training, workshop for teachers, students


SRINAGAR: Two collaborative workshops were held at the Centre of Research for Development (CORD), University of Kashmir.

A two-day ‘Hands-on training on techniques for isolation of DNA and quantitative PCR for environmental and forensic samples”’ was organised jointly by CORD in collaboration with Atal Incubation Center (AIC-CCMB), Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCONES-CCMB), IKP Knowledge Park Hyderabad, and RECL Jammu in the newly-established Conservation Science and Innovation Laboratory (CoSI Lab) in the University.

The workshop covered theoretical and practical aspects of DNA isolation and qPCR for different types of samples, including environmental and forensic samples.

Prof Md. Niamat Ali, Director CORD welcomed the participants and resource persons and also highlighted the importance of the workshop. Later, Dr Karthikeyan Vasudevan, Chief Scientist LaCONES and Dr Madhusudan Rao, Chief Executive Officer, AIC delivered their respective keynote addresses in virtual mode.

Dr Tawqir Bashir, Coordinator and Incharge CoSI Lab gave a brief introduction about the aims and objectives of the CoSI Lab. The workshop and training programs were executed by three expert members from LaCONES, CCMB including Ms. Gayatri Sreedharan, Mr Mubashir A. Dar and Mr. Naveen Kumar.

In another important programme, the Microbiology Research Laboratory and P.G Programme in Microbiology, CORD jointly organised a three-day workshop on ‘Wrap Up of Tools and Techniques in Microbiology’.

The workshop was organised especially for college teachers and research scholars to increase their levels of awareness about basic microbiological methods as a part of National Education Policy, said Dr Ruqeya Nazir, Organising Secretary of the workshop.

Dean Research KU Prof Irshad A Nawchoo chaired the inaugural session of the workshop and congratulated the Centre for conducting such workshops to highlight the importance of relationship between microbes and medicinal plants.

A a plenary lecture was later delivered by Prof Altaf Ahmad Bhat from SKUAST-K

Workshop Convener Prof Md. Niamat Ali highlighted major achievements of the Centre and emphasised the importance of the workshop in light of NEP-2020.

Other important lectures were delivered during technical sessions by Dr Gulnaz Bashir from SKIMS, Srinagar, Prof. Bashir Ahmad Ganai, Director North Campus KU and Former Director CORD and Dr. Parvez Ahmad Dar.

During a practical session, Dr Ruqeya Nazir delivered a lecture on “Isolation and Cultivation of Viruses”.

KU Registrar Dr Nisar Ahmad Mir chaired the valedictory session as chief guest and distributed certificates among the participants.