Indian students bring net positive impact to UK economy, finds report


LONDON: International students, including Indians who make up one of the largest cohorts at British universities, bring a net positive economic impact for the UK economy even once other costs are factored in, a new report has found.

The analysis for leading UK higher education institutions released in London comes at a time when there are growing fears of a crackdown on international student visas as part of UK Government efforts to cut down immigration figures.

Focussing on the 2020-21 statistics, the report claims a 96,000 pounds per non European Union (EU) student benefit to the economy which covers students from countries like India.

“International students put nearly 10 times more into the economy than they take out boosting both local and national economic wellbeing,” said Dr Gavan Conlon, Partner at London Economics which had been commissioned to conduct the analysis.

“However, international students also allow universities to undertake world class teaching and research that would not otherwise be possible. As one of the UK’s most significant export industries, the success of universities in attracting international students should be applauded,” he said.

The Higher Education Policy Institute, Universities UK International and Kaplan International Pathways had commissioned the organisation to conduct the analysis.