IIT Kanpur faculty delivers extension lectures on Spectral Theory at KU


SRINAGAR: The Department of Mathematics, University of Kashmir, organised a series of lectures for the students and research scholars.

Prof Sameer Chavan from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur conducted at least four sessions on various topics related to spectral theory.

The series concluded with the colloquium lecture on the topic ‘Weighted shifts on directed graphs and their applications’ which was attended by faculty members, scholars and students of the department.

Prof M A Sofi, former HOD and Dean Academics of the University, also attended the lecture.

Head, Department of Mathematics, Prof M A Khanday, welcomed the guest speaker and apprised the students about the importance of these lectures, which can help the department to grow in both teaching and research.

He said the department will continue to conduct such programmes in the larger interest of the student community.

Prof M A Sofi also spoke to the students about the importance of the subject and its career options.

Prof M H Gulzar, Prof B A Zargar, Dr M A Mir, Dr M Saleem, Dr Ishfaq Ahmad, Dr Aijaz Ahmad and Dr Shahnawaz also attended the colloquium lecture.