Gram Swaraj Abhiyan adding value to life in rural areas: DC Pulwama


PULWAMA: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Pulwama, Baseer Ul Haq Choudhary Monday said that the unprecedented participation of masses and PRI representatives reflects the untiring efforts of the government to make Panchayati Raj Institutions more empowered, participatory and vibrant.

In order to adopt the Sustainable development goals in every panchayat, Gram Sabhas were conducted at panchayat level in various blocks of the district as part of month long ‘Gram Swaraj Abhiyan.

On the occasion, a 100 points programme of government was discussed which aims to ensure grassroots penetration of various welfare measures through awareness and promote mass participation in Rural development.

During the proceedings of Maha Gram Sabhas various issues of Rural Development including cleanliness, sanitation, augmentation of water and power supply, good health facilities, better education and other developmental issues of public importance were discussed.

In Maha Gram Sabhas at 18 places in 4 blocks and gram sabhas in 44 panchayat halqas in all the 11 blocks of the district, PRI functionaries, frontline workers, local youth, besides, public in large numbers participated enthusiastically and put up their issues of development and other needs of the Panchayats.

Besides, Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) and adoption of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the light of the 100 point programme of the government was discussed thoroughly. Resolutions regarding the adoption of SDGs were passed in all these panchayat halqas.

Activities ranging from sports activities under the banner of no to drugs, Health Camps, awareness campaigns regarding various schemes were held. Besides cleanliness drives of water bodies viz springs, ponds, streams and river lets were carried out with active participation from the inhabitants and school children.

Many works executed under various MGNREGA, 14th Fc and other rural development schemes were inaugurated by the elected representatives and officers of rural development.

The Additional Deputy Commissioner Awantipora, Zaffar Ahmad Shawal, Concerned Tehsildars, Officers from Rural Development and other line departments attended the Panchayat Level Maha Gram Sabhas.