Government mulls Class XII boards twice a year


NEW DELHI: The Education Ministry released the draft of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for school education on Thursday in line with the National Education Policy (NEP-2020) and invited suggestions from stakeholders such as students, parents, teachers and scholars.

The NEP is to be implemented from the academic year 2024. A committee of experts constituted to form the draft has proposed Class XII board examinations twice a year. The committee has also recommended freedom for students to pursue a mix of science and humanities to reduce the rigid boundaries separating arts, commerce and science in Classes XI and XII across school boards.

The NCF proposes doing away with the current practice of dividing streams into science, arts or humanities and commerce for Classes XI and XII. The NCF draft has been prepared by the National Steering Committee, headed by former ISRO chief K Kasturirangan. To implement the NEP, four National Curriculum Frameworks have been initiated: NCF for School Education, NCF for Early Childhood Care and Education, NCF for Teacher Education and NCF for Adult Education.

As per the NCF draft, the structure of Classes IX and X will also undergo a major change with students expected to clear eight papers. As of now, students have to pass five subjects in Class X. “Inputs were sought for the national curriculum frameworks from diverse stakeholders, including teachers, students, ministries, educational institutions, subject experts, scholars and childcare personnel,” said an official of the Education Ministry.