DH Budgam observes ‘World Mental Health Day’


BUDGAM: The ‘World Mental Health Day’ was observed at District Hospital Budgam with the theme “Mental Health Is a Universal Human Right” by District Mental Health Unit ASYM DH Budgam.

The Programme was inaugurated by Dr M Iqbal, Medical Superintendent ASYM DH Budgam.

Addressing the audience, the Medical Superintendent briefed them regarding mental health and its well being. 

The event was attended by medical officers, paramedics and attendants of DH Budgam.

On the occasion, DMHP Unit gave a detailed overview of Mental Health and Tele Manas Helpline.The Health talk sessions were also conducted in OPD and Waiting areas of the Hospital.

Besides, Medical Superintendent ASYM DH Budgam also observed World Mental Health Day in collaboration with District Social Welfare Department at Government Degree College Charar i sharief in which all the students as well as teachers were present. 

In view of World Mental Health Day 2023, the DMHP Unit gave detailed awareness regarding Mental Health and its disorders and Tele Manas Helpline.