DG Horticulture Kashmir chairs SLEC meeting


SRINAGAR: A meeting of Sub-committee of State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) for Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) was today held under the chairmanship of Director General (DG) Horticulture Kashmir, Ajaz Ahmad Bhat at the Directorate of Horticulture, Rajbagh Srinagar.

The committee thoroughly examined and scrutinized the DPRs relating to CA stores/Food Processing units/Grading Lines for assistance under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture.

A total number of six DPRs were placed before the Committee and after examining the DPRs and related documents, 04 DPRs were approved for placing before the State Level Executive Committee (SLEC) for final approval. It was further decided that the rest of the DPRs will be approved and shall be placed before the SLEC subject to the submission of deficient papers.

Speaking on the occasion, the DG highlighted the scope of post-harvest management of fruits in the Valley and enjoined upon entrepreneurs to come forward and establish post-harvest units viz. CA Store, Food Processing Units, Grading/Sorting units etc. and take the benefits of various Central and UT Scheme.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Director Horticulture Kashmir, Chief Canning and Processing Instructor, Ex. Er. Srinagar Horticulture (P&M) and Representatives of S.E. MED, Srinagar, R&B Srinagar, Drug and Food Control Organization Srinagar and representatives of financial institutions.