DC Rajouri presides over public outreach camp at Panchayat Lower Dodaj-A of Block Darhal


RAJOURI: With an aim to redress the public grievances at their doorsteps, the Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, Vikas Kundal led a successful public outreach event in Panchayat Lower Dodaj A of block Darhal as part of the Weekly Block Diwas initiative.

The event provided a crucial platform for residents and their representatives to articulate a range of concerns, encompassing road maintenance, staffing enhancements in government institutions, water scarcity, and healthcare infrastructure improvement. Specific issues which were raised during the event were requirement of JK Bank Branch, upgradation of HS Dodaj, issue related to primary school at Dodaj, setting up an agriculture centre, requirement of poles and transformers in all panchayats, ATM service etc.

Amid the proceedings, government officials also seized the opportunity to raise awareness about ongoing schemes, fostering public participation and urging residents to take advantage of available initiatives.

The Deputy Commissioner underscored the dedication of the administration to delivering essential services directly to the community. He reassured the public that earnest efforts were underway to realize this objective. Extending appreciation to all stakeholders for their contributions to various government endeavors, he lauded their diligence and encouraged their continued commitment to public welfare.

Moreover, the Deputy Commissioner ensured that grievances of the citizens have been noted and that concerned departments would take step-wise actions to address genuine concerns.

During the event, immediate directives were issued to prioritize and resolve the issues raised by the public in a time-bound manner, resulting in the on-the-spot resolution of several matters.

In reference to the matter concerning the Primary School (PS) at Dodaj, the Deputy Commissioner has taken decisive action by instructing the concerned officer to expeditiously resolve this issue. Simultaneously, a similar directive has been issued to the Chief Medical Officer, who has been tasked with a comprehensive examination of the concerns surrounding the health and wellness center in Dodaj, with an emphasis on achieving a swift resolution.

Furthermore, the pressing matter of establishing an Animal Husbandry Sub-centre in Dodaj has also been looked into as the DC has proactively urged the concerned officer from the Animal Husbandry Department to meticulously prepare a proposal to address this requirement.

During the event, a pertinent concern emerged regarding the establishment of an agriculture center, with the primary objective of ensuring easy accessibility to essential seeds and fertilizers. This proposal reflects a proactive approach towards enhancing agricultural practices in the region and facilitating the agricultural community in Dodaj.

In the context of the imperative upgradation of HS Dodaj to the HSS level, the Deputy Commissioner has issued a resolute directive to the Chief Education Officer. The CEO Education has been tasked with the crucial responsibility of thoroughly looking into this matter and presenting a comprehensive report detailing the necessary steps and considerations required for the successful transition.

Addressing the need for a Kendriya Vidyalaya school, the DC called upon the local residents to donate a suitable piece of land for this educational institution, emphasizing the benefits it would bring to the area. The Deputy Commissioner also urged the public to take advantage of the Ayushman Bharat scheme, a program aimed at providing comprehensive health benefits to all. This initiative is vital for the well-being of the community.

In a bid to promote sustainable agriculture, the DC stressed the significance of participating in the Holistic Agriculture Development Program. This initiative promises to bring about positive changes in the agricultural sector.

The Deputy Commissioner informed the public about the Pradhan Mantri Vishwakarma Scheme and encouraged them to avail its benefits. This visionary scheme is set to empower traditional artisans with crucial financial support, marking a significant stride in preserving and nurturing India’s rich cultural heritage of traditional craftsmanship.

Among the others, DDC Member Darhal, Iqbal Malik; BDC Darhal, Aslam Malik; CPO, Mohammad Khurshid ACP, Sheraz Chowhan; DPO, Auqil Nuvaid; CMO, Dr Rajinder Sharma; Executive Engineers besides district and sectoral officers attended the event.