DC Kathua chairs DLIMC meeting to discusses computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies


KATHUA: To discuss the implementation of Centrally Sponsored Project “Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies” (PACS), Deputy Commissioner, Kathua Rakesh Minhas today chaired the maiden meeting of District Level Implementation and Monitoring Committee (DLIMC) held here in the DC Office ۔

The meeting discussed threadbare various aspects with regard to identification of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACSs) for computerization under Centrally Sponsored Project for Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies (PACSs).

Speaking at the meeting, the DC directed concerned officers to start work on all Primary Agriculture Credit Societies in the district and closely monitor their functioning. He said the scheme has an extremely bright future and needs to focus on it with added dedication.

The DC stressed on proper implementation of all need-based schemes in vogue in a time bound manner and as per laid down specification and guidelines.

The DC further said that all the procurements shall be made in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures, besides exhorting the officers to impart training on PACSs. He also took a detailed overview of the key components of the Project.

The DC advised the Cooperative department to ensure maintenance of records of PACSs to facilitate the computerization process.

Earlier, Deputy Registrar Tasbina Sheikh apprised the meeting that assets like Super bazaar, Petrol pumps, guest houses, CSCs, Jan Aushadi Kendras etc are coming up in the cooperative sector to revive cooperative movement in the district. 

Among others, the meeting was attended by Additional Deputy Commissioner, DDM NABARD, Dy۔ Registrar Cooperative Societies.