Comedian Kunal Kamra’s Gurugram show cancelled after VHP, Bajrang Dal threaten protest


Gurugram: Following threat of protests by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal, a forthcoming show of stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra has been cancelled.

Kamra was scheduled to perform on September 17 and 18 at Studio Xo Bar in Sector 29.

The VHP and Bajrang Dal submitted a memorandum to the Gurugram Deputy Commissioner today threatening to hold protest and disrupt the show, if it was not cancelled. They alleged that Kamra was known to hurt religious sentiments by mocking Hindu deities.

While administration is still to react on the memorandum, the hosting venue itself cancelled the show to avoid the trouble. No official statement has been issued as yet.

“An artist by the name of Kunal Kamra is organising a show at Studio Xo Bar in Sector 29, Gurugram, on September 17. He has a habit of mocking our Gods. An FIR has also been filed against him earlier in this regard. This show will lead to communal tension in Gurugram and thus we request it be cancelled at the earliest or we will protest and disrupt,” read the memorandum.

The team of two outfits even visited the venue to warn the organisers and as a result, they cancelled the show.

“We have informed ticketing company and the show won’t happen. They came and threatened disruption. We want no trouble,” said the bar management.

Kunal Kamra is yet to respond to the issue. Speaking on the issue, Yashwant Shekhawat of VHP said, “We cannot sit and let anybody hurt our religious sentiments. Yes, we spoke to the bar management explaining our point. We also apprised administration of threat this

show posed to communal harmony. We are glad they took notice and cancelled the show.”