Capt. Rakesh Mattas delivers a Talk on ‘Career Opportunities in the Indian Navy’ at S. P. College


SRINAGAR: Capt. Rakesh Mattas from DGNCC Headquarter, New Delhi today delivered a special talk on the theme, ‘Career Opportunities in the Indian Navy’ at S. P. College, here.

The lecture was attended by 200 participants including faculty, NCC cadets and students of the college. The speaker highlighted the role of S. P. College as an institution in shaping his career.

He spoke about the organizational structure of the Indian Navy, Career Prospects, Peace Missions and its pivotal role in the country’s defense. It was an encouraging and inspiring interaction where students actively participated.

Principal SP College Prof. (Dr.) Ghulam Jeelani Qurashi, in his welcome address shared the significance of conducting such programmes wherein different Govt. agencies are roped for shaping the career trajectory of students. Furthermore, he stressed upon the students about the career opportunities available in the diverse fields of Science & Technology.

The programme culminated with distribution of NCC “B” and “C” Certificates among successful NCC cadets.