Agriculture Department Kashmir celebrates ‘Kisan Diwas’


SRINAGAR: The Agriculture & Farmer Welfare Department Kashmir today celebrated ‘Kisan Diwas’ across Kashmir division under the theme ‘Delivering Smart Solutions for sustainable food security and resilience’.

The main function was inaugurated by Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi, Srinagar.

Kisan Diwas or National Farmers Day is celebrated every year on 23rd Dec to commemorate the birth anniversary of Chaudhary Charan Singh, the former Prime Minister of the country.

Addressing the function, Director Agriculture highlighted the importance of Farmers Day. He said this day provides us with an opportunity to talk about the issues and needs of farmers.

He said that the best way to observe Kisan Diwas is to spend maximum time with the farmers and equip them with innovations, technologies and latest trends in the field of crop cultivation and entrepreneurship to maximise their production. He asked the concerned officers to listen to the issues of farmers and ensure their timely redressal.

He raised the need to encourage the progressive growers and acknowledge their tireless efforts in the journey of sustainable development of the agriculture economy.

Joint director Agriculture Inputs, Tabassum Naz also expressed her views regarding the theme of ‘Kisan Diwas’ and asked farmers to take benefit from different centrally sponsored schemes/ flagship programmes run by the department.

A number of farmers also expressed their views on the occasion and an interactive session was also held wherein the exchange of ideas took place between the farmers and officers of the department.

The programme was attended by District Agriculture Officer, Apiculture Development Officer, Senior Officers/ officials of the department and a large number of farmers.

Similar functions were also held at district, Sub-divisional and zonal levels across Kashmir division.