DC Gbl chairs DMC meeting; reviews progress of FPOs


GANDERBAL: The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Ganderbal, Shyambir today chaired 8th DMC meeting to review the progress of Center Sector scheme for formation and promotion of FPOs.

At the outset, brief discussion was held on various aspects including deliberation on submission on ground level progress report of FPOs by implementing agencies viz NABARD, NAFED and SFAC, cold storage, market linkages, farmer mobilization and progress on new FPOs.

The CBBOs presented the process to the DC and also informed about the future course of action through a powerpoint presentation.

It was informed that the membership of the Zazna Farmer Producer Company Limited has increased to 220 members from 160 members and membership of Kirmaniya Fed Fruit Producer Company Limited Batwina has also mobilized 40 more members increasing the membership to 140.

It was also informed that the Kirmaniya Fed Fruit Producer Company Batwina has adopted digital payment by a UPI for business transactions. The said FPO is also planning to start value addition to the products through a packaging for which they are planning to get new machinery.

It was also proposed by the committee members that FPO members shall be given mushroom units on priority and stalls within the rural haats shall be provided to FPO.

Regarding the new FPO in Lar and Shairpathri blocks, the DMC was informed that farmers are being mobilized and 20 farmers have agreed and paid the membership fee for the same. On the occasion, the baseline study, diagnostic study and SWOT analysis was presented to the DMC by CBBO for the FPOs of both the blocks.

The DC directed the Chief Horticulture Officer to provide the list of intervention the department has done for increasing the production of the crop to the implementing agency and CBBO. It was also recommended to form the new FPOs under J&K Cooperatives Act 1999.

Regarding the cold storages, it was decided that the district level committee shall be framed to identify the location and capacity needed.

The DC directed experts of all CBBOs to provide consultation services to the FPO members on a regular basis and also provide the training to the board of directors of FPOs regarding the general business and equity grant. He also directed them to diversify the market linkages and sell the FPO products on e-commerce platforms.

The meeting was attended by DDM, NABARD; CAO, CHO, Deputy Registrar Cooperative, representatives of CBBOs and other members of the Committee.