KU VC inaugurates workshop on ‘Quality Enhancement of University Publications’


Srinagar: Vice-Chancellor University of Kashmir Prof Nilofer Khan Tuesday inaugurated a workshop on ‘Quality Enhancement of University Publications’.

The day-long workshop was organised by the varsity’s Directorate of Internal Quality Assurance (DIQA).

In her presidential address, Prof Nilofer said it is important to maintain the quality of University’s publications, including the departmental journals, so that the reputation of both the University as well as the departments is not negatively impacted in any manner.

Saying that the University will form a broad-based editorial board of experts to monitor the quality of its publications, the Vice-Chancellor said the University’s publications must have social impact leading to their better visibility and reach.

“We have many journals which are unique in content and have the potential to figure not only in the UGC-CARE list but also in other important publication platforms worldwide,” she said, urging the DIQA to form a taskforce of expert academics who can deliver talks before research scholars and faculty members on how to publish in quality journals and how to avoid falling prey to predatory journals.

KU Registrar Dr Nisar A Mir assured continued support of the University to publications which are rich in content and presentation. He urged the editorial board members of various journals to continue pursuing their listing with UGC-CARE which is being monitored and evaluated by specialised experts.

Dean Research Prof Irshad A Nawchoo said the publications by faculty members or departments have a direct bearing on the profile of the concerned faculty members and departments. Therefore, Prof Nawchoo said, it is important to focus more on quality than quantity of publications and avoid falling prey to any sort of “number game” in this regard.

Earlier, Director DIQA Prof Manzoor A Shah spelt out the objectives of the day-long workshop.

Deputy Director DIQA Mr Showket Shafi conducted proceedings of the inaugural session, while Mr Uzair Nisar, Liaison Officer DIQA presented a vote of thanks.

Dr Sumeer Gul, Resource Person and Associate Professor, gave a detailed powerpoint presentation on ‘UGC-CARE List: Criteria and Parameters’, and Mr Asim Banday, System Engineer spoke about the status of departmental websites vis-à-vis journals.