Secretary DMRRR inspects construction work on quarters for KP employees at Shopian


SHOPIAN: Secretary, Disaster Management, Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (DMRRR), Nazim Zai Khan, today visited Shopian and inspected ongoing construction work on transit accommodation being raises for Kashmiri Pandit employees at Allowpora.

Secretary was accompanied by District Development Commissioner, Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya, Chief Engineer PW(R&B), Joint Director Planning and other concerned officers.

While reviewing progress on work at Allowpora, Secretary exhorted upon the executing agency to expedite the pace of progress and complete the work within the set timelines.

On the occasion, Secretary was informed that the transit accommodation project, coming up at an estimated cost of Rs 2880 lakh, is at the final stage of completion. Besides, 32 flats have already been completed and ready to be handed over to the concerned. It was further apprised that the rest of the flats shall be completed by September, 2023.

Secretary also reviewed the provisions of basic facilities to be kept in place there. He was informed that power supply, drinking water facility and other facilities have also been made available in the said transit accommodation at Allowpora.