B2V-4: Training imparted to visiting Officers at Anantnag


ANANTNAG: Training to the Visiting Officers deployed for phase 4th of Back to Village programme was completed today at Dak Bungalow, Anantnag. 

On the occasion, Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anantnag, Dr Basharat Qayoom interacted with the visiting officers and asked them to ensure that various activities are held in the allotted Panchayats in letter and spirit.

He also directed the Nodal Officer to ensure that all arrangements are in place for successful implementation of the programme.

The training was imparted by master trainers including ACR Anantnag, Dy. Director Statistics and Evaluation, BDO HQ and others.

During the training, the Visiting Officers were given detailed directions about the schedule to be followed during the two day programme. They were informed that feedback must be solicited from the local population regarding the implementation of the works identified in the previous back to village programs.

They were also directed to identify gap areas in development and in consultation with officers from various departments identify the schemes through which such gaps can be filled. There was deliberation on extensive engagement of youth in the program.

The Visiting Officers were given a brief description of the self-employment schemes in vogue so that youth can be motivated to engage in sustainable livelihood ventures. 

Queries raised by visiting officers regarding various activities were satisfactorily addressed during the programme. They were familiarized with the various booklets that are to be filled during the programme and to examine the booklets from previous back to village programs as well as the action taken reports on the demands recorded by the people.

It is in place to mention that the fourth phase of the back to village program will kick off from the 28th of October in three phases. The programme will be held in 97 panchayats in the first phase. All the visiting officers deployed in the first phase attended the training.