Training program on ‘Biodiversity Conservation’ held at F.C Srinagar


SRINAGAR: The J&K Biodiversity Council in collaboration with J&K Forest Department today organised a ‘One Day Training program on Biodiversity Conservation’for Master Trainers at Forest Complex Sheikhbagh, here. 

The master trainers of Department of Rural Development Department, Urban Local Bodies and other officials participated for training on role and functions of Biodiversity Management Committees, and other important aspects of Biodiversity Act/ Rules.

Around 50 participants belonging to Department of Rural Development, Agriculture, Fisheries, WUCMA, Urban Local Bodies, Wildlife and Department of Forest participated in the training programme. 

During the programme, PCCF (HoFF) J&K/Chairman, J&K Biodiversity Council Dr. Mohit Gera gave a detailed account of activities of council to ensure Biodiversity Conservation in Jammu & Kashmir and its sustainable utilization. He also highlighted the role of BMCs in Biodiversity Conservation and need to make them aware of their role and responsibilities.

He impressed the participants to familiarize themselves with the Biodiversity Conservation issues, and functioning of BMC, so that they can play the role of master trainers to train the large number of trainers including from Forest Department for training of BMC members.   

Dr. Mohit Gera also spoke about the likely impacts of climate change on the Biodiversity of Jammu & Kashmir and the steps required to protect all life forms and create resilience in the ecosystem. He also impressed to create a massive awareness at the grassroots level with respect to Biodiversity where BMC need to play a key role.

He also informed on various initiatives of the Forest Department on the active involvement of BMCs in sustainable collection and utilization of Non-Timber Forest Produces (NTFP).

Dr. Gera in his concluding remarks informed that the Biodiversity Council is taking several initiatives for the creation of awareness & training of officials, non-official members of BMCs etc. through various resource persons for training the BMC members regarding activation of BMCs for building capacity to perform the function as envisaged in Biodiversity Act.

He said the Forest Department also has taken a number of steps for sustainable utilization of forest produce and BMCs are being involved along with SHGs. The Council is also getting associated with State Level Livelihood Mission to scale up these initiatives for benefit of Biodiversity Management Committees. 

The program started with a welcome address by Asaf Mehmood Sagar, APCCF/ Director, J&K Forest Research Institute and Member Secretary, J&K Biodiversity Council in which he discussed conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.

T. Rabi Kumar APCCF Kashmir spoke in detail about various provisions of the Biodiversity Act / Rules and the need for a well-aware and active BMC. He highlighted the importance of documentation of Biodiversity and traditional knowledge.

Dr. Anzar Khuroo, Member, J&K Biodiversity Council provided useful input on the process of PBR preparation / updation and the importance of maintaining People’s Biodiversity Registers.

Screening of training animated videos was also carried out on Biodiversity Act / Rules, Biodiversity Management Committee and documentation of biodiversity by BMCs.