DC B’la takes review of performance Indicators under ‘Aspirational Districts’ Programme


BARAMULLA: With an aim to get the appraisal of various developmental indicators and parameters identified under the centrally sponsored “Aspirational Districts” programme, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Baramulla, Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar today chaired a meeting of concerned officers at Dak Bunglow, here to take a holistic review of various performance indicators.

The meeting also comprehensively discussed the preparation/ submission of an action plan in the Health and Nutrition Sector, which is one among the five identified sectors.

On the occasion, the meeting was briefed by the concerned functionaries about the progress cum performance recorded by the district.

After taking a comprehensive and sector wise review, the DC stressed upon the concerned officers to work in coordination for achieving saturation in all the identified indicators. She also laid emphasis on realistic plan formulations in each indicator with proper convergence between health and ICDS Department down the hierarchy.

Meanwhile, the DC directed to devise the appropriate and effective strategies for overcoming the issues confronting various indicators adding that there is a need to work with added zeal and enthusiasm for transforming the district from Aspirational to inspirational.

Furthermore, the concerned officers highlighted several issues and bottlenecks hampering the proper and smooth functioning wherein the DC assured that all the issues shall be redressed in a time bound manner.

Among others, District Programme Officer Baramulla, Chief Medical Officer Baramulla, District Social Welfare Officer, District Statistical officer, Child Development Project officers, Block Medical Officer and various other concerned officers attended the meeting.