First Para-Athletic Meet of Kashmir held at IUST


AWANTIPORA: The first para-athletic meet of Kashmir was today held in Islamic University of Science and Technology in which several para-athletes from different parts of Kashmir participated. The event was organized by the Directorate of Physical Education & Sports of the university on the synthetic athletic track of the university which is the only international standard athletic track in Jammu and Kashmir. Prof. Shakil A Romshoo (Vice Chancellor, IUST), Registrar, Finance Officer and many officials of the university were present on the occasion.

Appreciating the enthusiasm of para-athletes, Prof. Romshoo said that “the fervor of these athletes is worth appreciation. Despite their challenges and limitations, they don’t give up the courage and participate with great enthusiasm”. He assured that the university will be organizing more such events in future on larger scale. “The university has sufficient infrastructure to organize national and international sports events in the university”, he added.

Thanking Voluntary Medicare Society Bemina for their support, Dr. Hilal A Rather (Asstt. Director, Sports) said that “this event marked an important milestone for para-athletic sports of Kashmir”. Besides para-athletic meet, other sports events were also held in the campus today. All the competitions of the event were conducted in accordance to the Regulations of the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations), followed in the world University games. The NEP-2020 promotes holistic development of students, with great emphasis on sports. In keeping with this central tenet of the education policy, IUST vouches to support and coordinate activities in sports and organize more such events in the future.