Vaccination of Hajj- 2022 pilgrims to be held on Sunday at Budgam


BUDGAM: The vaccination of all selected Hajj- 2022 pilgrims of the district shall be held on Sunday, May 29, here.

The Chief Medical Officer, Budgam, Tajamul Hussain Khan informed that vaccination shall be held at three centers including CMO Office Budgam, Sub- District Hospital Chadoora and Sub- District Hospital Beerwah.

In this regard, all selected Hajj pilgrims are informed to visit these centers for vaccination.

CMO said that Hajj pilgrims from Budgam, Khansahab and Soibugh Medical Blocks shall be vaccinated at MIC CMO Office Budgam, while as pilgrims belonging to Chadoora, Charisharief, Chattergam and Nagam medical blocks shall be vaccinated at SDH Chadoora and pilgrims from Beerwah, Magam and Khag Medical Blocks shall be vaccinated at SDH Beerwah according.

In order to ensure smooth conduct of vaccination, various medical officers and senior medicos were designated as Nodal Officers.

Pilgrims are appealed to visit their nearest vaccination centre along with cover number and passports and contact their nodal officers in case they face any sort of inconvenience.

The Nodal Officer include Dr Shahid (9419003740) and Dr Zia Rasool (9419936456) for distribution of Vaccination and overall monitoring, while as Dr AG Raina (7006689922) BMO Budgam has been designated as Nodal Officer for vaccination of pilgrims from Budgam, Khansahab and Soibugh Blocks. Dr Dilhair (7006658058) BMO Chadoora has been designated for Chadoora, Charisharief, Nagam and Chattergam medical blocks and Dr Javed ( 7006450419) BMO Beerwah, has been designated as Nodal officer for vaccination for Beerwah, Khag and Magam medical blocks.