Week long Drug De-Addiction campaign ends at Baramulla


Falahudarain reaches out to over 50,000 people.

BARAMULLA: A week long drug de-addiction campaign launched by Falahudarain on 8th May 2022 concluded here today. 

The campaign was launched to create awareness among students and general public about the epidemic of drugs in Kashmir. The campaign focussed on informing people about the escalating trends in drug abuse, consequences of the addiction and options for saving the addicted people.

Professionals from medical fraternity, teachers and local religious leaders were engaged to educate people about the exploding drug related crisis in the society.

During the campaign people were informed that Jammu Kashmir has over 600,000 drug affected people which is about 4.6 percent of the total population of the UT. Among them, 90 per cent of the substance abusers were 17-33 years old as per the government data. A manifold increase in drug addiction patients has been recorded from 2014 to 2021 at Government Medical College (GMC) Srinagar. In 2021, cases of drug abuse doubled at valley hospitals. It is high time to understand the exploding situation and respond at levels in society. The best ways are to create awareness among the youngsters about the drug abuse, and guide them to hospitals for treatment and rehabilitation.

Lectures were held at Govt. Degree College (Boys), Baramulla, Govt. Women’s College, Baramulla, Govt. Boys Hr. Sec. School, Baramulla, Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School, Baramulla and Baramulla Public School.  Online sessions with Dr. Yasir Hassan, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, GMC Srinagar, In-Charge De- Addiction Centre, GMC Srinagar, Dr. Fazl-e-Rub, Senior Resident Drug De- Addiction, Centre, GMC Srinagar MD Psychiatry, DM Drug De- Addiction Centre Psychiatry and Dr. Masood Maqbool, Lecturer Clinical Psychology, GMC Srinagar were held. Literature creating awareness on drug de-addiction was distributed among the students at Baramulla.

For mass awareness, Imams across the district addressed the public on the theme of Drug abuse and the De-Addiction strategies during the Friday sermons. A detailed information booklet on the drug abuse in Kashmir and the responsibility of the society was shared with the imams prior to the Friday address. Thousands of tri-fold handbills containing information of drug de-addiction were distributed among masses to create awareness on moral, ethical, social and medical aspects of the epidemic. Bi folds with student specific information on drug de-addiction were distributed among the students of schools and colleges.

During the campaigns, Falahudarain associates met the prominent personalities of the town, media fraternity and other officers of the government with brochures informing on the drug pandemic. The officers were requested to adopt measures to curb the menace.

Efforts will continue to save people from drug abuse, said Dr. Imtiyaz Qadir, President of the Falahudarain, a non profit organization.