Kharif Campaign-2022 kick-started at Anantnag


ANANTNAG: The Kharief Campaign in Anantnag district was today launched by the Joint Director (Inputs) Agriculture, here.

The campaign is aimed at introducing the new hybrid Kharif crops to farmers. The hybrid has better yield and will help farmers fetch better market value for their produce.

The Department has taken several steps for doubling the income of farmers including organizing awareness camps, training programmes, steps for increased farm mechanization etc.

Chief Agriculture Officer, Anantnag while interacting with the farmers advised them to adopt modern techniques and scientific methods in agriculture and allied activities to better their overall produce and augment their incomes.

He assured the farmers full support of the department. He said that traditional methods and crops must be substituted with new hybrid seeds to get best yields.

The campaign was started across the district from Siligam, Mattan, Gopal Pora with sowing of sweet corn and maize. The campaign witnessed participation of a large number of farmers besides the officials of the concerned department.

Later, the CAO Anantnag also visited various mustard fields where seeds had been given by the department to farmers in September / October. The farmers appreciated the efforts of the department.