Mir, Bhalla join Sunderbani people’s protest against delimitation report


Sunderbani: JKPCC President G A Mir and Working President Raman Bhalla today joined the people at Sunderbani in lodging their strong protest against the proposed delimitation report, which was outrightly rejected by the gathering of prominent people comprising sarpanches, panches and retired civil. and army officers. 

JKPCC President  G A Mir and working President Raman Bhalla today reached out to the people of sunderbani to listen to their grievance regarding delimitation report and to extend them full support to the agitated people against the discriminatory report which has caused injustice to the area. 

A large  gathering of prominent people and intellectual class outrightly rejected the proposed delimitation report by raising hands  and slogans against the commission and lodged their strong resentment against it, blaming BJP for tailoring the report.

The speakers expressed strong resentment against the denial of Independent constituency to Sunderbani and it’s bifurcation and clubbing with Kalakote,  which too has been downgraded from a separate and independent constituency, besides clubbing Nowshera as well as Rajouri Poonch with Anantnag Lok Sabha. Responding to the resentment shown by the people, jkpcc Chief Said that the architect  of the lop sided report belongs to Nowshera -Sunderbani constituency, who has himself confessed this in audeo conversation. He has meted out injustice to his own constituency and people who elected him. 

He said that he and other senior leadership of the party are on tour of different areas where people are showing anger against injustice. He said Congress party solidly stands with the aggrieved people against the injustice meted out to them in various parts of Jammu region as well as kashmir region. Working President Raman Bhalla fully supported the agitated people of Sunderbani and said that the Congress party shall stand shoulder to shoulder with the aggrieved people to fight against injustice. 

He said that BJP has caused great injustice with people in different areas for their vested political interests. People are aware that the commission has been misled by the ruling party and the BJP govt which is crystal clear from the audio leak of Ravinder Raina with his party colleague. 

Bhalla said great injustice has been done to Sunderbani in  the report as it stands bifurcated and clubbed with kalakote, which lost identity. Nowshera and Rajouri-Poonch has been clubbed with Anantnag Lok Sabha against all norms and aspirations. 

Bhalla asked Ravinder Raina to contest again from Nowshera constituency to prove that he did justice to his people, as he claims to be the archtect behind this. Chief Spokesperson JkPCC Ravinder Sharma, Former MLA and National coordinator Vichar Vibhag Ashok Sharma, Pranab Shagotra Ex PYC president, Seva Dal chief Vijay Sharma, Sdr Gajan Singh, Jatin Sharma accompanied JkPCC president.