Director RD Kashmir chairs review meeting of District Srinagar


SRINAGAR: The Director Rural Development Kashmir, Tariq Ahmad Zargar today chaired a review meeting of District Srinagar.

The meeting was informed that under MGNREGA against the approved labour budget of Rs. 0.96 lacs, the district has generated 0.36 lac Persondays and out of 122 works taken-up 24 works have been completed.

Under PMAY (G), out of 149 registered beneficiaries, 30 beneficiaries have been approved. Under CD&Pyt Sector out of 8 approved works, 7 works have been completed and for current financial year 09 works have been approved under the said scheme. Besides, one office building has also been approved. 

The concerned officers were enjoined upon to achieve the targets within stipulated time lines, creation of durable assets and to ensure release of wage payment under MGNREGA within a fixed timeline.

The Director stressed upon the officers to ensure better coordination with PRIs and also ensure proper monitoring/ supervision of developmental activities. 

The meeting was attended by Project Officer Wage Employment (ACD) Srinagar, District Panchayat Officer Srinagar and Block Development Officers of the district and other officers/officials of the Department.