Special Vaccination Drive Kick-starts across Shopian


SHOPIAN: The District Administration Shopian today kick started a special vaccination drive for the general public particularly for students.

 The District Magistrate, (DM) Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya on the occasion, visited various sites to take the first hand appraisal of the vaccination process in the district and also checked the attendance of the staff deployed for the purpose.

 DM exhorted upon the health functionaries and other concerned to gear up their activities and motivate more and more people for getting the vaccinated at their respective centres established in this behalf in the district.

The DM urged the eligible students and people to get vaccinated at an earliest. He also stressed for strict adherence to SOPs to stop the spread of Covid-19 infection.

Meanwhile, special vaccination counters have been established across the district and all the requisite arrangements are in place to complete the vaccination process smoothly.