PDP holds meet at Ramban


Ramban: Lambasting Bhartiya Janta Party for playing politics of chaos and fear, former Member Legislative Council and member Political Affairs Committee of Peoples Democratic Party Firdous Tak Monday said that Chenab Valley was being used as experimental lab by the fanatic forces, which are eying power by creating division among people.

“Be aware about the forces who are spreading fear in the minds of people on various pretext in order to plunge the society in chaos ahead of the next assembly elections in the erstwhile state”, Tak said adding, “Chenab Valley is the actual battle ground of these forces who are aiming at creating division on the basis of religion, language and beliefs in furtherance of their desire to hold powers in Jammu and Kashmir”.

Tak was addressing a meeting of district executive committee of Ramban, here today in presence of state secretary Imtiyaz Shan, Media Coordinator Choudhary Parvez Wafa and district president Shahbaz Mirza.

The former legislator said that proposed delimitation exercise is mostly focoused on the assembly segments of Chenab Valley where the ruling BJP is aiming to redefine boundaries of assembly segments for their own political gains. “BJP has always used the sensitivity of this mountainous region for its own political gains and once again a sinister plan is under execution to create wedge among the people”.

He said that Chenab Region has its own political and economic place in Jammu and Kashmir but it is facing serious administrative apathy adding to the misries of common masses. He said that people were running from pillar to post for redressal of their grievances as there was complete disconnect between the masses and officials.

The electricity production from Chenab Valley, he said, ]highest in North India both in state and central sectors but its majority of the hilly areas remain without electricity. “The power projects have caused serious environmental issues and caused serious damage to roads, forest and ecology of the area. However, even the local area developmental funds required to be spent in the concerned districts are either no released or diverted to other districts”.

Addressing the meeting, state secretary (Incharge Ramban-Banihal-Gool) Imtiyaz Shan said that situation has worsen in this mountainous region due to the disconnect between the masses and administration. “The central and state sponsored schemes are being executed only on papers and common masses are running from pillar to post for redressal of their grievances”, he said.

Shan said that PDP workers stand with the party president and former chief minister Ms Mehbooba Mufti in her resolve to fight for the honour and dignity of people. He exhorted upon the party workers to reachout to the people at the grassroots level in order to strengthen the organization.

Media Coordinator Choudhary Parvez Wafa said that Ms Mehbooba Mufti is representing not only the aspirations of common masses but even her political opponents. “Ask even the BJP leaders behind the camera and they will appreciate the stand of PDP and will admit that revocation of special status has proved disastrous for the common people”, he said.

Wafa said that on the directions of vice president Choudhary Abdul Hamid and General Secretary Sardar Amreek Singh Reen the party will be organizing district level meets in order to assess the political situation besides organizational matters.

He said that Chenab Valley holds key to any political empowerment and PDP has to play a key role in shaping up of political future of Jammu and Kashmir. “Today PDP is not only a political organsation but a mission and people have pinned a high hopes on the organization”, he said.